
Form Format Function

'Form follows function' - most famously attributed it by
- Architect Louis Sullivan 1896

- most applicable to typography within graphic design
is it there to be decorative or the vehicle of communication?
- Hand made v technology

Beatrice Warde - 'the crystal goblet'
- Argues that graphic design should be an invisible vehicle
- good design is invisible
- Helvetica, on the extras disk - different takes of this argument
- Post modernist argue it should be expressive
- 30's - 60s (modernism) // 70s onwards post modernism
- Studios applying modernist theories to current design
- Modernist designers - more attention to audience

Modernist could be considered more socialist
- Quality
- Access to information
- Communication to all rather than elite few
- Internationalism

Adolf Loos - ornament is crime
Swiss international graphic style - neue grafik
Architect Louis Sullivan 1896
Glenn Ward - compare modernism and post modernism
Looking closer - 5 books - collections of essays on graphic design - frame the question
Wim Crowell

Modernism / Consciousness from the machine age / mass production

Things being effective in what they do - effectiveness
How well something works over how it looks

What is the purpose of graphic design
is the designer there to self publicise or is it a designers role to be selfless
invisible for the greater good of society