Briefing for Dissertation
6000-8000 words
Discrete chapters
Bookended -intro conclusion 1500 combined
between 4-5 chapters 1500 words each chapter
P r o p o s a l
4 different questions or 4 different ways you explore that theme
N e e d s t o h a v e
Coherent Methodology (unified approach)
(feminist, semiotic, communication theory, Marxism, media studies, ecological, narratology
P r i m a r y R e s e a r c h
Interviews, art objects, designers, empirical, study, archives
- Apply your own reading to something else
e.g. reading Floyd and providing your interpretation
S e c o n d a r y r e s e a r c h
Books on theory, topic, approach, primary research
S t a r t
- Finding books for secondary research
- Find and interpret a selection of essays on type
S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
Design that prioritizes ethics over profits - central cause over argument
Interest of the common good (Communism / socialism ) (Ethics) V Profit - individual gain (Capitalism)
Altruistic over self serving
Consumer culture
Profit is driving force
1987 Brundtand Mission report
- Meeting the needs of the future without compromising the needs of today
E n v i r o n m e n t a l i s m V s E c o l o g i s m
Greenwashing - peoples concerns can be capitalised on
'V. Papanek - The green imperative'
McDonough - Cradle to cradle - green manifesto for sustainable design
Can we as designers set aside 10% of out time to work for a better cause yet still being able to sustain own lives
Environmental x social x economic
something sustainable must have all of these things at its core
Case study on a specific studio / printers / practice
Allows you to make broad arguments but then focus it on one practice
e.g. - is it possible to run a sustainable design company?