
Seminar 2

Technology - Reproduction

Original < - > Copy - The copy challenges the authority of the original

The way any form of technology creates situations where the authority of something or someone can be challenged or questioned. In this dynamic (within art) technology makes it possible to ask questions of art, or challenge the authority / change / adapt it.

Walter Benjamin - 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction'

- Talking about a condition /  a space created by mechanical reproduction that makes it possible for an overthrow of capitalism.
- Substructure - The different classes and their relations, technologies, machinery, relationships that emerge between the boss and worker / master and slave
- From this you get the super structure - culture, institutions, religion, law - anything not economic
- Introduce a weapon which brushes aside concepts including genius, external value, creativity and mystery
The way we describe these forms of art is the same way fascism becomes possible
If we accecpt art has always been a certain way then we are accepting that there is no way to change the system.

Part 1
- How art was reproduced, as time goes on more and more ways arise - Photography, Lithography, Wood Cut
- Overview of development of reproductive technologies
- A work of art has always been reproduce-able, e.g. students copying masters paintings, but the relationship between the original and copy is straight forward - the masters is always more important, has more status
- Shift from something available to a few to something that's available for all

Part 2
- Authenticity is defined by the history of the original
- Don't have to go to the gallery to see the art, loses its original presense
- Seems special because of the tradition and history it contains
- Reproductions have the option of meeting people in their own situation, and re-create the meaning of the art.
- Liquidating popular culture

- You react the way that other people do to the art, the opposite of you coming up with the meaning for yourself, reacting in a conformist way
- The exhibition value - Loses its pure form

AURA - Things that make art feel more important than it actually is. In the digital age aura disappears , becomes less special and more normal.
- Creativity, genius, external value, mystery, authenticity, original, presence, tradition, cult,